Paralyzed, Paralyzed

Paralyzed, Paralyzed


Paralyzed, Paralyzed

Paralyzed, Paralyzed


Paralyzed in the face of the darkness,

Rooted so strong, it's not giving up...

Headlines screaming out horror and injustice,

Like a bad dream, I want to wake up...


World's fucked up, the corrupt hold the power,

Short sighted fools, ruling us all...

Co-opting Earth for their own selfish ends,

Greedy bastards gonna use Her on up...


Paralyzed, Paralyzed

Paralyzed, Paralyzed


Paralyzed, Paralyzed

Paralyzed, Paralyzed


Anxiety got ya choking in a stranglehold,

It's not real, just let it go...

Brings out the crazy every time,

whatcha gonna do?

It's just illusion, release and flow through...


Paralyzed in the face of unconsciousness,

All the masses, deep asleep...

Wake them up for the sake of the planet,

Ignorant to their own majesty...


Paralyzed, Paralyzed

Paralyzed, Paralyzed


Paralyzed, Paralyzed

Paralyzed, Paralyzed




Music & Lyrics by Mystic Daddy,

Mystic Daddy Music, ASCAP